Thursday, May 24, 2018

Born Writers

To know that you're a born writer: It's either that the inspiration to write about a particular title always comes to your mind - the ideas to write on, under that title till the end of that story, then the next or you had a revelation about your writing purpose.

Being a writer is a calling, a career – not the job that you do on the sideline for residual income – It’s who you're throughout your lifetime. For the job that pays the bills, some born writers take to journalism, because that involves writing a lot too. But with the job you’re working for others, with writing you’re working for yourself and working to fulfill your purpose. Don’t wait until you’re too old to just sit back and do it. Do it when you’re freer on the job or in school or when you experience something worth writing about. It doesn’t matter if one doesn’t succeed at it the first year of writing. Just you keep doing it, as the ideas come to you, read up materials on how to improve yourself, like this blog, and try to be better at it. Then eventually, you should be a celebrated writer.

People talk about thinking of what people are going to be interested in your story, even before the book is written. They think about whom the targeted readers are going to be, their sex, their age brackets, their occupations, interest and where they live. These they get from social media communities, interactions, blogs, chatting, et cetera.

Again, born writers get the inspiration of what to write about because the thoughts keep always coming to their minds. So they don’t look for the inspiration but they might source for details (gather inspiration) and not just anybody can give them that.

When you have a title in mind, the details of what to write about come to you in bits and pieces, like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. So, first you have to have the big picture (the plot or theme or title) and the pieces (the ideas) and the motivation because of the interesting bits of the story and its moral or divine influence (the inspiration) will be coming up gradually from time to time. Sometimes the ideas come from personal experiences, that is why it important to keep experiencing things worth writing about. They also come from someone else’s experiences or research. But by and large the writer needs experiential details so that s/he could adequately describe the scenarios.  

Born writers are those who’re created to write. All their writings throughout their lives may not all be bestsellers but they’re meant to write some very beautiful pieces of creative work in their lifetime. Some books written by humans will appear in heaven’s library for all to read for all eternity. They get such books by the inspiration of the one who made them born writers. Just think that what you could write about and you may call fiction now may become non-fiction when read in the new world. And that which was fantasy in this world could become reality in the world to come (for that, you should always pray when you write and when you need to flow in it).

Born writers may have pursued other careers and done other jobs at one time or another but they found out that they couldn’t give up the thoughts of writing. So they switched back to it. Not just because of the successes and the monetary rewards, though those are important, but because they must be fulfilled.


  1. I just picked this blog virtually by accident and I'm already learning from it. I definitely like this blog.
