Thursday, May 24, 2018

Lesson 1

There are many lessons to learn in being a writer:

Don’t delay your writing assignments to when you’re excellent in all the grammatical subtopic that you need to know in English before you begin to write, start now. You’ll ever be learning anyway, so why delay? It’s not like you’re going to publish your work right away.

Even after you’ve acquire some writing skills you may later decide to change your style of writing from maybe writing in the third person, past tense to present tense in the first person, if you say you need to acquire more skills for that too, how else will you acquire them if you're not writing?

Don’t believe in writers’ block. If you’ve run out of ideas or if you’re tired, then stop and rest. Sometime later or another day, the idea path to follow would come to your mind, and it would be as good as you want the book to be.

So don’t continue to wish that one day you will want to be a writer, do something about it now!

Sometimes after you’ve written a long piece and you’re now editing, you would find out that some lines are just circumnavigating, so you may want to cut them off to make your work grammatically correct as well as passing the communicative information across using short and precise sentences. This too can make you cut off some more words. Then the much written work becomes far less than you thought you’ve written. But that’s okay. You are getting better doing what will profit you in the future.

What should matter to you, ultimately, is how well the story is told. You may discover that some lines that slowed down the reader while reading your story also slowed you down while writing the story. This is because while writing that portion, you were trying to be technically correct but you left off writing from your heart momentarily. Sometimes those lines should be removed from the story.

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