Thursday, May 24, 2018

Lesson 2

Writing gives you the opportunity of improvement and the first improvement is self-improvement.

i. Self-improvement
Writing and writing all the time means that you’ll always edit what you write. This automatically helps to improve you: your vocabulary, spellings, writing skills, reading ability, discipline and looking out for other writers.

Yes, you may attend some workshops and trainings on writings: this you started doing when you were learning English or the language you’re writing in, learning how to read and write, right from kindergarten. After all the learning, put your learning to practice by writing and writing, and writing.

You may write a lot of paragraphs and delete a lot too, but that’s how you make discoveries, improve your writing and strengthen your voice.

Some writers improve themselves by disciplining themselves to write maybe half an hour or one hour every day, compulsorily. I don’t believe in that. I like to continue my writing when I have more juicy ideas path to follow, otherwise, I wait for it: which could mean that I spent four hours writing one day, then over the next couple of day, I keep collecting ideas that come to me and continue writing maybe four/five days later. So it’s always about how much of your heart you can pour into your writing.

Always read other people’s works. This is very important. The best writers are passionate readers. You can still always learn something from others: big, small, rich or poor. But refuse to steal other people’s ideas. Be original, that’s how you can stand out and have a place among celebrated writer.

ii. Improvement of others
As a writer, you also get to make others better people with the magazine articles, poems, screenplays, eBooks and books that you write. You, by your words will touch people’s hearts and lives, for good, I hope. You’ll encourage, inspire and offer up-and-coming authors the opportunity of meeting their role models that understand their cravings to create a whole new world that would interest their readers and help them to escape this world of limitations that they now experience.

Though you may be humbled, challenged, criticized and your work rejected.

Also you will be inspired, energized, favored and hopefully honored in contests, through prizes and awards.

Just get ready to write your hearts out!

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